Saturday, 25 November 2017


It's almost midnight, and I just finished the handpiecing of my
Pyramids quilt top...

So, tomorrow I'll machine piece the (brown) borders,
and maybe even sandwich it, so that I can start with
the hand quilting on Monday.

This week, I couldn't help having a try on
the "Hartjes" 
(Little Hearts)
and I enjoyed making two of them,
this future side projects is going to be FUN !

I also want to tell JUUD
how grateful I am for the wonderful surprise envelope
she sent to me, with 1930' repro. fabrics.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, Juud !


Enjoy your stitches, my friends !

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


With winter at our doors,
I'm beginning to see the green light
with my Pyramids quilt

I could only picture it from Inside, on my working table,
as the weather here is quite grey and rainy
but you get the idea...

7 rows, out of 12, are now sewn together,
and the 5 remaining ones are on the way...
Crossing my fngers this quilt will be
ready for handquilting by end of next week,
so that I can give it to my daughter for Xmas !

With this quilt, I think I'm "cured" from
strong colors for quite a long time, 
and I can't wait getting back to the Stonefields,
as well as starting the sweet baby quilt...

Yet, all in all, I'm pleased with the result.
(DH says it looks like glittering, multicolored Xmas trees)

I'm also finishing a cute crochet baby blanket,
but I can't show it now, as it's a surprise.


I found my portable side-project
for the year(s) to come ,
with Supergoof "Hartjes" Template (so cute !)

(I would so much LOVE using 1930's repro fabrics to make it...
sadly I can't find those in my little corner,
and ordering these through the Web would cost me the double with shipping...
Well, no problem, I'll make do  :D  )